Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Sew good

I made a pact with myself at the start of the year; this was the year I would buy myself a sewing machine, and actualy use it too. I had made several plans to buy one before, but they fell apart due to laziness, lack of room, or me having a nervous breakdown at the price of a decent one.

But this year, armed with donations from my family for my birthday (thanks all!), I went to John Lewis and got myself a sewing machine.

The lovely lady who sold me the machine also sat me down and went over how to use the machine - I did textiles GCSE, but scarily that was 11 yeas ago. So I learnt how to thread it, how to choose which stitch to use, how to change the feet, how to use the free arm, and something about a 'drop feed dog', which sounded more like how you get your pet to eat its food, but apparently it is sewing machine related.

So far, in just over a month of ownership, I have already made two cushions and a simple fabric bag using some African wrapper material that had been sat just waiting for me to do something with it. Not bad, methinks.

I've just booked myself on a basic sewing machine and dressmaking course so I can learn to  follow a simple pattern, and start making clothes. The Boy is hankering after a pair of trousers to suit his 6 foot 5 inch frame. Better get me some lessons then...

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