Sunday, 21 February 2010

Coffee Pot love

I have a confession to make: I'm ever so slightly obessed with retro coffee pots.

It started with a trip to Pop Boutique in Manchester. I resisited The Want for everything as usual, trying to stay focused on only buying something I really really liked, and I saw this:

I think it was the shine of the chrome, the sleekness of the design, and the fact that I could carry it back home to London (couldn't say that about the amazing G-Plan dresser it was sat on. As much as I had The Want for that, there was no way ot was going in my suitcase). Very pleased with myself, i paid my £8 (bargain!), and left.

Then there was the time I was in Mitcham (random yes, but there's a good concentration of charity shops, and I can get the tram there. Genius), when I saw this amongst the tat:

My heart swooned. It's so amazingly retro and the pattern reminded me of the old 1970's curtains in the house I grew up in (it was the '80's, but still...)

I was sure I'd seen that pattern before, so i looked at the base which told me it was a Hornsea Herloom piece. On to Ebay I went to find matching pieces, and that I did. But I also saw more, and more and more reto coffee posts - chrome, ceramic, '50's, 60's, 70's ...and my obsession was in full swing. The latest is this beauty from Germany. Check out those flowers!

So yes, I am obsessed. Ironic really as I don't even drink coffee....

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