Sunday, 21 March 2010

I Made this! Jacket updates

Not strictly something I made myself, but I did some customising and updates to give a fresh lease of life to a couple of my jackets.

As I've said before, the 'Make Do and Mend' trend is in full flow at the moment, but even before it was the trendy thing to do, I've always loved to update, embellish and re-new my clothes. Yet again, I headed to Barnett  Lawson for some haberdashery goodies.

The first jacket was actually a new buy and an absolute bargain. I walk to work down Lower Marsh everyday; Lower Marsh is a market street just behind Waterloo, packed with quirky boutiques, cafes and coffee shops and, my favourite, the daily market stalls. On my way to work recently, I saw this army issue jacket on sale for £1. Only £1!! Very 'on trend' for the Summer, and just crying out for a bit of work...

A few stars, some gold embroidery epaulettes, an antique gold weave trim, and Bob's your uncle. The haberdashery cost more than the jacket!


And the other jacket is one I've had for a while, but has been languishing in my suitcase under the bed (where the clothes I like, but not enough to be in the wardrobe, reside). I removed the boring navy plastic cheapo buttons, and replaced with some lovely gold mirrored buttons instead.

Et voila - very chic and Marc Jacobs-esque. Nice, no?

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