Sunday, 24 January 2010

I made this! Perpetual calendar

I made the mistake of going to Aria and Twenty Twenty One just after new year; two amazing furniture/decor shops in Islington that gave me a bad case of 'The Want' for everything in there.

Mmmm...Eames rocker (or the RAR, if we're being particular). I want.

Luckily (I guess) most things are so expensive it would involve a re-mortgage to pay for it anyway, so actual temptation is limited.

However, i saw this little beauty. Its the Max 365 Calendar by NAVA. And I wanted - really wanted....but I couldn't justify. At £47 for something you'd use for years, it's not too expensive, but I had other pressing things to pay for (you know, bills and stuff), so i walked away.

But me being me, i decided it wouldn't be that hard to make my own version. And so I did. Not being a designer or in possesion of a printing press, it involved good old cutting and sticking, and some patience (try printing out and cutting out all those numbers. I nearly went mad).

And here it is - total cost approx £6. It's a bit 'homemade' looking, but that's what makes me love it so.

Nice, no?

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