Monday, 31 August 2009

All hail...the wall

Ta da! All hail the Orla wall. I'd love to say that i put the paper up myself, but that would be a blatant lie. I have my plumber/all round lovely labourer man to thank. And at the price per roll that I shelled out, there was no way in hell I was risking doing it myself.
There was a bit of an internal debate i had with myself about this paper - I've seen it on lots of style blogs and Orla Kiely prints are pretty ubiquitous....but i still loved it, and am very happy to have it up in my lounge. Who cares if it's not 'unique' or 'cool' as long as it makes you happy - a statement for life.

(The wallpaper is Flower Blossom in Teal by Orla Kiely. And it's lovely. See it here:

Sunday, 23 August 2009

I made this! Kitchen pin-board

Take one pin-board from the ever reliable Ikea

Add a little left over paint

Summon boyfriend to hammer hook in wall because he likes doing that sort of thing. Et voila.

And as the boyfriend would say, 'Nice, no?'

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Girl in a green dress

I saw this picture hanging in a antiques shop in Brighton. I almost wished I hadn't, because it meant parting with a fair bit of money and carting it all the way home. But it is a gorgeous picture, and I'm now a massive fan of Tamara De Lempicka and her work. The only problem is that whilst it worked in my last flat (hung against a dark grey wall), it just doesn't work in my new flat. So now, it resides in a corner of my lounge, leaning a little forlornly against a wall. I can't bear to part with it (and i don't want to), but what do I do? It's no way to treat a lady...

Mmmm. Breakfast.

I'm getting a little domesticated in my old age. One of the highlights of my week is baking my breakfast granola. Not the most rock and roll, but just look at it...tasty. And all done in my newly tiled kitchen.

In a previous life, this kitchen had 'lovely' 1980's yellow and blue (and i mean, nasty primary colour) square tiles. They had to go. In their place, I now have white 'underground' bevelled edge tiles, as you can see in the background behind my lovely granola. Nice. Some 'before' pics to follow.

(White 'Underground' bevelled edge tiles can be bought at B&Q - see them here:

Where to start...?

Here's a picture of my pink door on the first floor. When I told my boyfriend what I wanted, he looked just a little sceptical, but as we painted even he had to admit that it looked good. It makes me smile everytime I walk through it, which was the intention. Just one example of how a lick of paint can make a lot of difference.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Help. Please.

I remember the first time i walked into my flat. I went into the bedroom, and fell in love with the two windows - one is floor to ceiling original sash window, and the other is a mini square window that is just gorgeous. Unfortunately, my lovely mini-window now looks like this:

Hmmm. I can't find a blind to fit the window. Well, that's a lie - I could find a crap blind to fit this window, but it deserves better. And I can't abide the light coming in, so the crappy piece of cardboard stays until I do. Any help on this one...??? Please??!


So i've finally started my blog. The plan is to document my little one bed flat becoming my home. All the before and afters, work in progresses and trials and tribulations. Plus anything else to do with interiors that takes my fancy. So here goes.... welcome.